Thursday 27 September 2012

Hitachi showed a prototype experimental data storage in digital form, relying on a carrier such as silica glass. According to the developer, the new storage technology saves the information in its original form "hundreds of millions of years." On the eve of a research unit showed Hitachi storage solution that includes a square glass area of 2 sq cm and a thickness of 2 mm, which can be up to 40 megabytes of data. In terms of density per square inch novelty almost complies with the standard CD.

At Hitachi said that data is written in binary format using the so-called laser points, located in the quartz glass with four layers. Engineers say that the glass is easily possible to add additional layers, increasing the recording density. "The volume of data generated every day are growing, but today there are almost no solutions that can save the information at least a couple of generations to come. This must be rewritten to newer media. Recently, the industry really was a problem of long-term data storage. Modern CD and film system can store data at best a few decades, and in most cases they can not store data longer a dozen years, "- says the engineer Hitachi Katsioshi Tory. According to him, the new system is writing data, heating quartz glass with a thin laser to 1000 degrees for two hours, then this carrier are not afraid of any radiation, nor water, nor the majority of chemicals, and the recorded data can be read, even after hundreds of millions of years. "This glass will hold it for as long as you do not destroy them physically," - says Tori. engineer says that another advantage of the new design is the method of writing data. It is a simple binary sequence, which can be considered not only with special equipment, but in an ordinary microscope.

Earlier in space on Voyager vehicles were sent gold discs containing basic data on human civilization. And experts from Cornell University, USA, published a study which said that the average life species on Earth is 10 million years old, so new media in theory could leave data on people even after the disappearance of the latter with the Earth.

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