Tuesday, 17 December 2013

HTML tables:

In real time applications,user may want to  prepare applicant details,Employee details, Student report card, and so on.These application would be effective,if they are in a tabular format.If these applications are to be presented in a web page,it can be done with HTML.

HTML provides the choice for the user to create tables.To create a table in HTML, <table> tag is used.Usually,application such as microsoft word, staroffice writer will display the details of first row as bold,when the data is in presented in a tabular format.

Similarly,browsers make the text which is present between the tag <th> as bold.Hence,in HTML we may use the tag for heading purpose.A table is divided into rows by <tr> tag and each row is divided into cells by <td> tags.

<tr>FIRST ROW</tr>
<td>FIRST CELL</td>

Sample code to create a table in web page:

<table border = "  1 "  >

Sample output:

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